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Applied Hydrogeology Award, 2019

Yanxin Wang

Yanxin Wang gained his PhD in Hydrogeology at China University of Geosciences (CUG) before later becoming a Professor there. He also spent a year at the University of Waterloo, Canada, as Visiting Professor. He has been President of CUG at Wuhan since 2011 and Vice Chairman of the China National Chapter of the International Association of Hydrogeologists since 2012. Yanxin has published more than 150 papers in international journals, receiving more than 5000 citations.

His work has had a profound impact on understanding hydrogeochemical processes and remedial methods of high-priority contaminants such as arsenic and fluoride and quantifying the effects of groundwater-surface interactions on water quality. His leadership has fostered closer collaboration between Chinese and international colleagues and his role as President of CUG has greatly contributed to the application of groundwater science in China and beyond.

Yanxin has substantially advanced our understanding of the sources and behaviour of hazardous substances in groundwater systems. He is a pioneer in testing and applying innovative and cost-effective technologies for removing arsenic, fluoride and other chemicals from contaminated aquifers. His remediation technologies, applied in remote rural areas of China, have ensured safe potable-water supply for many farmers. His use of natural chemical and isotopic tracers in groundwater, applied in management practices for karst water in Shanxi province has helped protect groundwater supplies for more than 10 million people reliant on this source.

Prof. Wang is an eminent groundwater researcher, teacher and applied hydrogeologist. We are pleased to acknowledge Yanxin’s substantial contribution to applied hydrogeology and practical groundwater development.

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