The effectiveness of any organisation’s work is often greatly enhanced by combining efforts with others. IAH has built up partnerships over many years, and is always looking for new opportunities for collaboration. This page provides links to some of the international organisations to which IAH is affiliated and with whom IAH works.
International Partners and Affiliates
These international organisations in earth and water science, education and development are the main affilates and partners of IAH, some of whom we have had close ties with for many years.
The Global Water Partnership's vision is for a water secure world and its mission is to support the sustainable development and management of water resources at all levels. The GWP is a network founded in 1996 to promote integrated water resource management (IWRM). The network is open to all organisations involved in water resources management: developed and developing country government institutions, agencies of the United Nations, development banks, professional associations, research institutions, non-governmental organisations and the private sector, and IAH is member.
The International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) is a non-governmental organization representing a global membership of one million Earth scientists through its approximately 120 member countries and almost 50 affiliated organizations. IUGS encourages international co-operation and participation in the Earth sciences to improve understanding of earth processes and earth resources, especially in relation to human welfare. IUGS works through its Commissions, Task Groups, and Joint Programmes and with the support of its international affiliated bodies to address Earth science issues of relevance to society. IAH has been an Affiliate of the IUGS since its foundation.
The International Hydrological Programme (IHP) of UNESCO is an intergovernmental programme devoted to water research, water resources management, education and capacity building. IHP is implemented in six-year phases, and the current eighth phase (2014-2021) aims to promote international hydrological research, facilitate education and capacity development and enhance governance in water resources management. These activities help countries meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on environmental sustainability, water supply, sanitation, food security and poverty alleviation. IAH has long been a partner in the groundwater activities of IHP and in supporting UNESCO in developing successive phases of IHP.
UN-Water is the United Nations inter-agency coordination mechanism for all freshwater and sanitation related matters, and was formalized by the United Nations in 2003. It provides a platform to address the cross-cutting nature of water and maximize coordinated action and coherence. UN-Water serves UN Member States in their efforts towards achieving development goals related to freshwater and sanitation. UN Water is made up of the UN agencies, programmes and funds that have a significant role in tackling global water concerns. It also includes major non-UN partners, including IAH, who cooperate with them in advancing progress towards the water-related targets within the Sustainable Development Goals.
Working partners
These are organisations with whom IAH works and collaborates with on a regular basis to help meet its scientific, educational and development objectives.
The Africa Groundwater Network (AGW-Net) was established to increase awareness of the potential and value of groundwater across the continent and to contribute to capacity building in the groundwater sector in Africa. AWG-Net operates as an open membership forum for groundwater scientists and other water sector professionals across Africa. Its aims and objectives closely mirror those of IAH's Burdon Groundwater Network for International Development, and IAH signed a Memorandum of Understanding with AGW-Net in 2012. This will enhance the ability of IAH to meet its international development objectives by linking the resources of Burdon Fund to a wide network of groundwater professionals in Africa, many of whom are also IAH members. IAH has supported groundwater training organised by AGW-Net.
IAH is one of the partners in Groundwater Solutions Initiative for Policy and Practice (GRIPP), led by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), to strengthen, expand and connect current groundwater initiatives. GRIPP aims to support the Global Framework for Action developed by the Groundwater Governance Project funded by the Global Environment Facility and implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) together with UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme (UNESCO-IHP), IAH and the World Bank. It embeds sustainable groundwater practices at the heart of natural resource management and the SDGs.
The International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre (IGRAC), based at Delft in the Netherlands contributes to the assessment of the groundwater resources of the world to encourage and enhance the conjunctive and sustainable utilisation of both groundwater and surface water and to elucidate the impact of groundwater on other ecosystems of the Earth. IGRAC and IAH have been working together for some years and a Memorandum of Understanding between the two organisations signed in 2012 formalises and simplifies cooperation and provides opportunities to combine efforts and expertise on international groundwater assessment activities.
Sister Societies
IAPG is a multidisciplinary, scientific association for widening discussion and creating awareness about problems of ethics applied to the geosciences with a worldwide membership network of geoscientists in more than 100 countries. The agreement signed between IAH and IAPG in April 2017 expresses a mutual desire to co-operate on a range of issues in the field of geoethics and groundwater. Both organisations will promote the involvement of their members in discussion on the ethical and social implications in the exploitation and use of geo-resources, with specific attention to groundwater.