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Professionals/Students – links and resources

The following is a selection of resources and links for professionals and students working in hydrogeology and groundwater related fields.

We have sought to provide information and links to material of wide interest to our members and supporters. However, the IAH does not accept any liability for the accuracy or completeness of the information, nor does the IAH provide any warranties in respect of how that information is applied.

We are happy to consider contributions and suggestions – submit using our form here:

General interest/teaching others – IAH’s compilation of general interest educational videos, links and materials regarding groundwater, water supply and the work of hydrogeologists, suitable to use to teach others

Career Development

“50 Free Online Geology Courses” includes a number related to hydrogeology

“Tips for writing a knock-out paper” – Early Career/HJ session presentation notes

“Tips for Career Development” – IAH’s ECHN gives advice and helps connect those early in their careers

IAH’s Mentoring Scheme

(see also our various event, training  and degree course listings)

Sources of Experience interviews have many useful comments and tips

Groundwater/Hydrogeology topics and resources

Watch and Listen – IAH’s selection of interviews, presentations and other recorded material

IAH’s Strategic Overview Series (IAH-SOS), informative papers summarising key topics relating to groundwater resources and hydrogeological science, including ecosystems, energy, food security, global change, human health, resilient cities and the UN-SDGs

IAH’s Commissions and Networks – specialist groups which includes: Karst hydrogeology, Groundwater and Climate Change, Groundwater Quality, Managing Aquifer Recharge (MAR), Mineral and Thermal Waters, Early Careers, Socio-hydrogeology – and more…

The Hydrogeoday: Raising awareness of groundwater – Hydrogeoday is a day of awareness raising of hydrogeology. Download a fact sheet and top tips for organising your own Hydrogeoday.

The Groundwater Project – online platform for groundwater knowledge features online books etc.

GroundwaterU, a catalogue of educational videos related to all things groundwater

National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training (Australia; NCGRT) has resources and videos, including  Groundwater Quality: An Ecotoxicology Perspective presented by Dr Jennifer Stauber

Learn how to solve water problems with Dr H20, Tom Gleeson’s alter ego – YouTube channel which includes groundwater-specific videos

Africa – groundwater literature, mapping and more – see IAH’s BGID Network site, which has links and resources

More on Africa – see UPGro project – Unlocking the Potential of Groundwater for the Poor Programme (2013-2020) – video, reports etc.

GRIPP/Groundwater Solutions for Policy and Practice – IAH is one of the project partners

Global Groundwater Information System (GGIS), hosted by IGRAC, the Global Groundwater Information System (GGIS) is an interactive, web-based portal to groundwater-related information and knowledge

NASA GRACE satellite – groundwater storage mapping

World-wide Hydrogeological Mapping and Assessment Programme (WHYMAP) – IAH is one of the consortium partners

Kindra Project – H2020 EU project inventory for hydrogeology research

Movement and Storage of Water in Soils – interactive model from The Science of Agriculture

Presentation notes

2017 Burdon Lecture: Dr. Adrian Butler “Medical Hydrogeology: Lessons on groundwater and health from south east Asia” hosted by our National Chapter for Ireland

– we are interested in obtaining earlier Burdon Lecture and other key lecture series notes. Can you help? Please email

Some longer reading…

Book series – current publications

Book series – out of print material  (free downloads)

Original “Groundwater” textbook by Freeze and Cherry (free)

Hydrogeology Journal (HJ) – IAH’s premier journal for groundwater professionals


See IAH’s news page

… and our social media channels – we post up free resources, news and articles of interest regularly!  See @iahgroundwater on Twitter and on Facebook and Instagram, and you can also join our discussion groups on LinkedIn.

You can also stay informed by signing up for our  eNews digest.

…and last but not least, many of our National Chapters provide resources and links to useful material, pertinent to their regional geology and conditions.