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Watch and Listen

IAH produces and compiles a variety of video and other recordings for professionals and students, as featured below. We welcome comments and suggestions – email

If you are interested in more general information about groundwater, hydrogeology, rural water supply and classroom and other teaching materials, etc. see here.

Thanks to our chapters, commissions and networks

Our Canadian national chapters has a series of webinars in a variety of groundwater related topics. See:

Our Colombian national chapter, in collaboration with many others, regularly organises webiners, including those related to matters geothermal, modelling, pollution, GIS, groundwater supply, mining. All are available to watch here:

El capítulo mexicano de la AIH te invita a participar en el diálogo “Entra la mujer del agua”, discutiendo sobre economía y #agua subterránea, #hidrogeoquímica, recarga de acuíferos, toxicología, toma de decisiones en la gestión del agua subterránea a nivel nacional.

Thanks to our Spanish chapter, ECHN and others, Hydrocafe aims to encourage early career researchers to show and share their work, increasing the visibility and impact of their contribution to Science. All available on YouTube:

Otra de nuestro Grupo Español de la AIH (AIH-GE) – Hidrogeodía 2021: una ruta virtual. A través del enlace puedes ver las provincias participantes, así como los vídeos y el material que han producido para la ruta virtual.

Groundwater Series: Mediterranean and MENA – webinars organised by IAH Lebanon, MENA, in collaboration with the American University of Beirut​


Hydrogeologist Time Capsule

The Hydrogeologist Time Capsule is a collection of interviews of eminent hydrogeologists who have made a material difference to our profession. Interviews include: Jacob Bear; Gedeon Dagan; Yuan Daoxian; R. Allan Freeze; Jean Margat; Ghislain de Marsily; Shlomo Peter Neuman; Charles V. Theis; József Tóth; William B. White and Elizabeth L. White; Paul Witherspoon; and Warren W. Wood. The project is funded and supported by IAH and other sponsors.

View/find out more

Congress keynote and other presentations

Over the years, a number of keynote and other presentation recordings have been made at IAH congresses, and at other events worldwide. It is our intention to compile these for viewing or listening.

48th IAH Congress, Brussels, Belgium

Podcasts currently being compiled, check back for updates.

2020/2021: online groundwater sessions from ABAS colleagues in Brazil

A series of talks and interviews ( in English and Portuguese) to coincide with our 48th congress, organisation of which was affected by the Covid pandemic. We are grateful to everyone involved!

Brazil/ABAS groundwater talks

46th IAH Congress, Malaga, Spain

John Cherry explains the Groundwater Project ( and its goal to produce and publish educational materials, online and free-of-charge

Gabriel Eckstein – Regulating what we can’t see: International Law and Transboundary Aquifers

Helen Fallas – Developing a prescient awareness of groundwater in city planning policy

Marijke Huysmans – Dealing with geological heterogeneity and uncertainty in groundwater modelling

Hervé Jourde – Karst functioning – what do we learn from the various modelling methods?

Alan MacDonald – Groundwater, water security and sustainable livelihoods

Matthew Rodell – Climate Change Effects on Groundwater: Expectations and Observations

Don Rosenberry – The importance of biological processes in quantifying the connection between wetlands and groundwater

Stefano Viaroli – The good the bad and the bottled – considerations of the effects of our habits on water and environmental protection (Early Career Hydrogeologists’ Network keynote)

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45th IAH Congress, Daejeon, Korea

Kang-Kun Lee, PhD – Exploring better and new utilizations of groundwater in Korea

Shemin Ge – Fluid Injection Induced Seismicity: a hydrogeologic perspective

David Boutt – Do you know where your catchment ends? The role of inter-basin groundwater flow and hydrogeologic transience in hydrologic processes

Todd Halihan – Electrical Hydrogeology, A Picture is Worth a Thousand Wells

Prof. Dr. Nico Goldscheider – Global challenges and local solutions in karst hydrogeology

39th IAH Congress, Niagara Falls, Canada

Allan Freeze – Why Did the Chicken Cross the Street? Twelve Premises that define the Role of Technical Input into Decision-Making in the Real World

Organising an IAH event or training?

Contact us if you have educational material to potentially share – email