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About IAH

Who we are

The International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH/AIH) is a scientific and educational charitable organisation for scientists, engineers, water managers and other professionals working in the fields of groundwater resource planning, management and protection.  Founded in 1956, it has grown to a world-wide membership of more than 4000 individuals.

Mission and aims

Our mission is to further the understanding, wise use and protection of groundwater resources throughout the world.

IAH aims to be a leading international society for the science and practice of hydrogeology and to be a globally recognised information source and facilitator for the transfer of groundwater knowledge. We endeavour to raise awareness of groundwater issues and work with national and international agencies to promote the use of groundwater to ensure ready access to safe drinking water. IAH also promotes the protection of aquifers against pollution, the improvement of aquifer storage and the management of groundwater resources to assure the sustainability of groundwater-dependent ecosystems.

A world-wide groundwater organisation

IAH is truly a world-wide association, its efforts being made through its many National Chapters (groups), Scientific/Topic based Commissions and Networks; its international team of Council members, and its UK based Secretariat.  In addition we have over 4000 members based all around the world.  We are striving to increase this number and our world-wide activities because the greater our number and effort, the more powerful and effective our voice internationally and the wider we can reach in all aspects of our work.

Find out more

Annual Report of the Association, 2023

IAH’s statement on equality, diversity and inclusion

IAH’s National Chapters, Commissions and Networks

International Partners and Affliliates

IAH’s history

IAH and ethical sponsoring

IAH Rules

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