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IAH Technical Insight Series

Cover of PFAS - Groundwater's Dark Matter.IAH has launched a new Technical Insight Series, designed both to inform professionals in other sectors of key interactions with groundwater resources and hydrogeological science, and to guide IAH members in their outreach to related sectors. This is a technical overview with a different emphasis and intended audience to the highly appreciated Strategic Overview Series, which is aimed at a more general readership.

The first in the Series, written by our Groundwater Quality Commission, describes the chemistry and detection of PFAS in groundwater samples, their current water quality limits, and potential  treatment options for PFAS polluted water.

IAH intends that future technical insight papers will be produced by the commissions and networks summarising other issues of topical interest.

Find out more

Read PFAS – Groundwater’s Dark Matter

Participate in IAH’s Groundwater Quality Commission

IAH Strategic Overview Series (various titles)

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