6-27 May 2025 – Online
Undressing MODFLOW
Groundwater Modeling. This short course focuses on how to understand and modify MODFLOW 6 input and output files. The course will also touch on files that are read/written by other members of the MODFLOW family (MODFLOW-USG and MODFLOW 2005).
Why should you care about the contents of MODFLOW input and output files?
- Firstly, programs that write MODFLOW input files for you (such as graphical user interfaces and FloPy) sometimes either make mistakes, or do not understand your intentions. In the end, the only way that you can be sure that MODFLOW is receiving the information that you want to provide to it is to check these input files yourself. Also, if MODFLOW is behaving strangely and you are not sure why, the answer will probably be found in the data that it is being given. The only way to be sure of what data it is being given is to scrutinize its input files.
- Secondly, what if you need to provide some inputs to MODFLOW, and/or process some MODFLOW outputs, in ways that your GUI or other software does not support? You need to know MODFLOW’s input and output protocols to do this. All of these protocols are well-documented. This gives you the freedom to do whatever is best for you.
- Then there is PEST/PEST++. These can be used for history-matching and uncertainty quantification of a MODFLOW model, as well as for other tasks such as management optimization (under uncertainty). Members of the PEST/PEST++ suites interact with MODFLOW through MODFLOW’s input and output files. If you want to understand what these programs are doing, or create PEST-to-MODFLOW interactions that enhance history-matching and uncertainty analysis for your specific problem, then you need to understand MODFLOW input and output files.
The course is run by John Doherty (author of PEST) and involves three sessions of three-hour duration. These sessions would be interactive so that you can ask as many questions as you like and additional meetings can be arranged if more time is required.Price: Price: 350
Organised by SYMPLE SRL.
8 May 2025 – Blended: Vetralla (Italy) and/or online
Introduction to Applied Groundwater Flow Modelling with GW Vistas
Groundwater Flow Modeling. The training course Introduction to Applied Groundwater Flow Modeling will take place at the SYMPLE school in Vetralla, Italy, with the option of participating online. The course is divided into three parts:
the first is theoretical and entirely conducted online, the second part is a blend of online and on-site attendance, emphasizing practical applications of MODFLOW models. A final session, focused on a pumping test analysis and a dewatering project, will commence on-site and continue online later on. The course will cover essential practical criteria necessary for constructing a numerical flow model. This includes topics like defining parameters, boundary conditions and inputs, both in stationary and transient conditions. Practical applications using MODFLOW packages will be demonstrated through explanatory lectures and computer exercises facilitated by the proprietary GUI Groundwater Vistas 8. Each participant will have access to Groundwater Vistas for a duration of 2 months. To ensure accessibility and flexibility, all course sessions, whether conducted online or on-site, will be recorded. These recordings will be uploaded to our e-learning platform, allowing participants to review the material at their convenience.Price: 600 €
Organised by SYMPLE.
13 Jun - 31 Dec 2025 – On-line
School of Hydrogeological Modelling
Groundwater modelling, calibration, uncertainty analysis. SYMPLE proposes a comprehensive, applied, internet-based School of Hydrogeological modelling. By undertaking the courses, participants will acquire practical knowledge of effective model deployment in different decision-making contexts. Differing from other schools, SYMPLE’s mission extends beyond “traditional teaching”. We aim to enhance individual learning to transfer as much experience as possible to the participants. In short, we want participants to become “expert hydrogeological modellers”. For this reason, we have selected a comprehensive set of tools, explained in a modelling-targeted way, and applied to real-world cases that are much more difficult to “solve” than the step-by-step exercises, where everything works fine. The trainers look at the school attendees not as “students”, but as “colleagues” to work and solve problems with. Participants engage directly with the trainers through dedicated Q&A chats and by asking one-on-one discussions. We strongly promote and facilitate interaction, as it is a fundamental knowledge-sharing and growing component. All the lessons are organized in the SYMPLE E-learning platform, based on the open-source Moodle environment and make use of open-source software (MODFLOW&Co., ModelMuse, Flopy, PEST, QGis, PAST, Jupyter Notebooks, etc.).
Price: 1300 - 2700 euro
Organised by SYMPLE.
10 Oct - 19 Dec 2025 – Online and Onsite at Vetralla (Italy)
The PEST course Application & Theory 2025
Groundwater Modeling. This short course is intended to help those who use a graphical user interface (GUI) for model setup, to gain familiarity with some of the principles and practicalities of calibration and uncertainty analysis. It is designed to help you get the most out of this interface when using PEST/PEST++. The course also shows how a modeler can gain access to extra inversion and uncertainty analysis functionality by going beyond the interface when required. Finally, it provides an overview of new data assimilation and uncertainty analysis technologies that will have a profound effect on the way in which decision-support modelling is undertaken, but that are actually quite easy to implement.
The course is informal. We have a plan for what we want to cover. However, in times such as these when technology is changing fast, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and confused. So, some of what we talk about, and how we talk about it, will be governed by you, the audience. Feel free to come along and discuss your problems. We will do our best to meet you where you are at!.Price: 800€
Organised by SYMPLE SRL.