IAH Stories
In order to celebrate International Women’s Day this year, we asked some of our council members to reflect on women who inspire them. Here is what they said: Dr Teodóra Szőcs – President: “Mary W. Jackson is a fantastic example to me, as a woman who successfully overcame the barriers... read the story...
This book explores large and thermal springs in the United States: their origin, characteristics, historical and current uses, and significance. Some of these springs are among the largest and most spectacular in the world and many were and are sacred to Native Americans. Contemporary and historic photographs reveal their beauty... read the story...
A message from the President of the International Association of Hydrogeologists in commemoration of World Water Day 2024. read the story...
Ashwani Kumar Tiwari, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, writes about his experience at the IAH Groundwater Congress 2023 in Cape Town, South Africa. read the story...
After nearly 15 years as Editor-in-Chief for our books series, Nick Robins decided to sign-off from his editing duties in 2021. Under Nick’s careful stewardship we have seen our catalogue of books increase and, as well as helping to promote scientifi c excellence, the royalties from the series also provide... read the story...
Sessions have been running monthly since November 2020 - for those who’ve missed them, all of them are available to view on YouTube. read the story...
We know that IAH representatives and members around the world were busy on WWD 2021. read the story...
The first year of the pandemic didn't stop our chapters holding events online and in person. read the story...
IAH contributed to three webinars at WWW 2020, organised by GRIPP with the collaboration of AMCOW. read the story...
Learn about IAH's ethics statement. read the story...