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World Water Week 2020

The early days of the pandemic reduced the opportunities for international engagement but increasingly these are taking place online as time goes on. As this trend continues, it is certainly our hope that IAH can participate in these meetings more easily.

In August 2020 IAH contributed to three webinars during World Water Week, organised by GRIPP (Groundwater Solutions Initiative for Policy and Practice) with the collaboration of AMCOW (African Ministers’ Council on Water), BGR (German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources) and the University of Victoria, Canada, at this year’s online event. The webinars considered groundwater resilience under climate change and other global disrupters. They were targeted towards policy makers, practitioners, researchers, development partners and the private sector and aimed at highlighting groundwater-smart solutions, management strategies and partnerships for resilience of the groundwater resource and the people and ecosystems depending on it.

In the webinar on, “AMCOW’s Pan-Africa Groundwater Program – A Roadmap to Resilience” Callist Tindimugaya shared “Lessons from Uganda on National Level Groundwater Management”. (See

IAH was joint convenor of, “Global Groundwater Sustainability Statement – Call to Action for Resilience”, with Dave Kreamer as the moderator. (see

Under “Groundwater to the Rescue! Climate Adaptation from the Underground”, Antonio Chambel gave a keynote presentation on “Practical Examples of groundwater-based climate adaptation”. (See

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