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Presidents’ Award, 2012

Professor John M. (Jack) Sharp

Jack has been Professor of Geology at the University of Missouri from 1974 to 1982 and at the University of Texas since 1982. His research interests and scientific publications range over several areas of groundwater science, including the hydrogeology of large sedimentary basins and of fractured rocks, the effects of urbanisation on groundwater and karst groundwater systems. The high quality of his research has been recognised by receipt of the Founders and Theis Awards of the American Institute of Hydrology and the Meinzer and Distinguished Service Awards of the Hydrology
Division of the Geological Society of America.

Jack has been an IAH member for many years, an active member of IAH commissions, Associate Editor of the Hydrogeology Journal from 1994-1997 and convener of sessions at many IAH congresses. He was an IAH vice president from 1996-2000 and treasurer from 2004 to 2008 and also chair of the US national committee from 2004 to 2008 and remains on the US chapter executive committee. Jack has also been president of the Geological Society of America and vice president for academic affairs of the American Institute of Hydrology.

Jack is a worthy recipient of the award, and warmly thanked the Association in his response.