Teodóra has a PhD on flow systems and water-rock interaction from the Eötvös Loránd University (2006). Prior to working at the Geological Institute of Hungary from 1993, Teodóra studied the detection of heavy metals in soils and organic samples at the University of Amsterdam. She became Head of the Hydrogeology Department in 2007 and subsequently at the Geological and Geophysical Institute of Hungary, the Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary, and recently at the Geological Survey of the Supervisory Authority of Regulatory Affairs.
Her main research areas are groundwater surveys and hydrogeochemical evaluation, particularly arsenic, water-rock interaction, and hydrogeological modelling of flow systems, including stable and radioactive isotopes.
For 15 years she was a hydrogeological-hydrogeochemical expert in a Hungarian national project investigating a site for low and intermediate level nuclear waste disposal. She was the hydrogeochemical expert for background values, threshold values and evaluation of chemical status of groundwater bodies of Hungary for all three WFD River Basin Management Plans. For the past decade she focused on joint surveys of transboundary aquifers, on thermal-water geothermal energy resource evaluation and management and on lithium resource research.
She is an invited lecturer in hydrogeochemistry at the University of Miskolc. She has more than 60 peer reviewed publications and 150 internal reports.
Teodóra was President of the IAH Hungarian National Chapter (2008-2010). In 2013 she initiated and contributed to the bi-annual IAH Central European Groundwater Conference held in Mórahalom (HU). She was IAH Regional Vice President for Western Europe (2012-2016) and VP for Finances and Membership between 2016-2024.
She is active in the International Association of Geochemistry, is national representative for Hungary in the EuroGeoSurveys Water Resources Expert Group, member of the Hydrogeological Subcommittee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences since 2012 and was hydrogeology expert of the IGCP Scientific Board between 2017-2020.
Personal statement
I have been working with the IAH Executive, Council, National Chapters and Secretariat for the past 12 years and very much look forward to continuing my work in my new role as IAH President for the coming four years.
My past experience will help me drive the continued development of IAH, strengthening the organisation while making it a strong voice and key advocate to promote the visibility of groundwater and improve groundwater governance globally.
This requires a large and active membership. Although the last few years have proved challenging, including a global pandemic as well as food and water security issues, IAH’s membership is again back to the pre-pandemic numbers of more than 4000. Our stable financial position provides a sound basis for continuing our existing services and exploring the possibilities of launching new ones such as educational for our members and the wider hydrogeological community.
IAH through its governance aims to ensure that the diversity of its membership is recognised, so that all members are given equal opportunity to participate in IAH activities and to benefit from their membership. I consider it very important that IAH strengthens its existing commitment to promoting equity, diversity and inclusion in all its activities. My goals include exploring how IAH can provide more support to our Commissions, Networks, National Chapters and all members.
I will also work to strengthen IAH’s influence on global (ground)water policy, promoting IAH’s mission with other organisations, continuing the outreach activities already started by previous presidents, council members and devoted and enthusiastic members. I will increase the visibility of IAH by increasing the collaboration with the UN, other international water related organisations, and NGOs.