David Kreamer, Ph.D. is a Professor of Geoscience, and past Director of the interdisciplinary Water Resources Management Graduate Program at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
Dave formerly served as Vice President for Science and Programme for the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH), past IAH Vice President for North America, and as IAH U.S. National Chapter Secretary. Dave also served as Division Director of the National Groundwater Association, and is a past President of the Universities Council on Water Resources.
Dave’s research includes work on water and international security, maintaining good water quality supply for people and ecosystems particularly in economically developing regions, combating environmental contamination, and water quality and quantity analysis and improvement. His current research includes: groundwater contamination studies, groundwater dependent ecosystem sustainability in U.S. National Parks and public lands, and water supply in Africa. He has authored over 65 professional publications, recently co-authoring the 3rd Edition of the textbook “Contaminant Hydrogeology” (Waveland Press). He has given over 150 invited lectures.
David has served as a professional consultant/ expert witness, and testified before the United States Congress. He also has given presentations at over 40 Universities, and has been an invited speaker in Europe, Asia, the Caribbean, Pacific island nations, South America, Africa and the Middle East.
Personal statement
I’m grateful to be IAH President and for the opportunity of continued service to the organization.
The world has been experiencing the worst global pandemic in decades, with strong implications to the future of hydrogeological practice, research, and funding. First and foremost, I hope that you, your families and friends, and your colleagues are well. There are important challenges before IAH, and one of the most important is to contribute to the stability of the world through our science, research, outreach, and advocacy for the wise use and protection of groundwater.
My goals for the Association over the next 4 four years would include a primary objective to strengthen and provide more support to our Commissions, Networks and National Chapters. This would involve better communication, increasing the reporting the achievements of IAH groups and members, and engaging more corporate sponsorship. Continued outreach and education is essential in order to communicate our experience, understanding, and research to the academic and professional community, to decision makers, and to average citizens, with our Hydrogeology Journal and IAH Strategic Overview Series (SOS) in particular.
Future challenges include the trend toward more paperless publications and open access, and translation of SOS briefs into different languages. Our organization also needs to continue to support early career hydrogeologists, students, and groundwater practitioners in the economically developing world, and expand their opportunities to contribute. IAH continues to have excellent annual Congresses – we must recommit ourselves to steadily raising the level of technical presentations at our Congresses. Lastly, the connections with other national and international groups (e.g. the United Nations) are important to maintain and nurture.
Stay healthy and be well.