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Valentina Rakhimova

Vice President, Eastern Europe and Central Asia


Valentina Rakhimova is a Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Modeling Hydrochemical and Geoecological Processes of the Institute of Hydrogeology and Geoecology named after U.M. Akhmedsafin (Almaty, Kazakhstan). Upon completing her undergraduate studies, Valentina pursued a PhD in Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology at Satbayev University, where she focused her research on aspects of groundwater treatment from hexavalent chromium using an in-situ method. Since 2014, she has been an active member of the International Association of Hydrogeologists and attended the 48th IAH Congress in Belgium. 

In addition to her research, Valentina is a passionate advocate for groundwater conservation. She has spoken at international conferences, participated in policy discussions on transboundary aquifers, and collaborated with NGOs to raise awareness about the importance of preserving groundwater reserves. 

Valentina is a free lecturer at Satbayev University on groundwater modelling and also works as a supervisor and consultant for hydrogeology graduates. A significant number of articles have been written in peer-reviewed journals in collaboration with scientists from Europe, Israel, and Central Asia for the last few years. Future scientific works and projects are planned in Kazakhstan to assess natural groundwater reserves, focused on managed aquifer recharge and irrigated agriculture. 

Valentina has received numerous accolades for her dedication to advancing scientific knowledge and protecting groundwater reserves from overexploitation, including a letter of gratitude from the Committee of Geology of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 

Personal statement

Having dedicated years to the study and practice of hydrogeology, I have witnessed first-hand the critical importance of water resource management, especially in regions as diverse and complex as Eastern Europe and Central Asia. From addressing water scarcity challenges to ensuring sustainable groundwater utilization, the issues confronting our region demand innovative solutions and collaborative efforts. As Vice President, I envision leveraging the platform of IAH to foster partnerships, facilitate knowledge exchange, and advocate for policies that promote sound hydrogeological practices. 

My commitment to the advancement of hydrogeology is not just academic, but also deeply rooted in my ability to unite diverse stakeholders. Throughout my career, I have successfully engaged with local communities, governmental bodies, and international organizations, promoting awareness about groundwater conservation and management. I believe that effective leadership requires not only technical expertise but also empathy, communication skills, and a deep understanding of diverse stakeholder perspectives. In this role, I am dedicated to amplifying the voices of hydrogeologists across Eastern Europe and Central Asia, ensuring that their insights and experiences shape our collective approach to water management challenges. 

My passion for the mission of IAH to advance hydrogeological science and practice worldwide is what drives me. If entrusted with the role of Vice President, I am committed to upholding the values of integrity, inclusivity, and collaboration that define our association. I will work tirelessly to strengthen the bonds of camaraderie and cooperation among hydrogeologists in our region, fostering a vibrant community that thrives on shared knowledge and mutual support.I am ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, guided by a steadfast commitment to excellence and a passion for advancing the field of hydrogeology. Together, let us embark on this journey towards a more sustainable and equitable water future for generations to come. 
