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ISMAR 10, Madrid

ISMAR10 – the 10th International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge, held in Madrid on 20-24 May, was a great success! The slogan of the congress was“MAR to solve the global water crisis” and the event clearly endorsed this at a most opportune moment. The organisers were delighted to see so much proactivity among the participants from a variety of hydrogeological and engineering backgrounds, particularly so among those earlier in their careers, who are clearly well prepared to grab the torch from others.

The MAR technique, as seen throughout the 22 sessions, was demonstratively recognised as an ideal technique for combatting the adverse effects of climate change, as an adaptation mechanism: “recharged aquifers, a solution for the future” and to solve many local water management problems. The Spanish Public Administration participated actively in round tables and throughout there were many excellent international cases of success.

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