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Hydrogeology Journal articles by IAH-member authors to receive a special benefit!

⯆ View the IAH-member articles published in Hydrogeology Journal in 2023 ⯆


As the year draws to a close, the Hydrogeology Journal (HJ) team reflects on the ~150 articles that have successfully negotiated the peer-review process and been published in the 2023 issues. We focus on the technical content, its relevance today, and the accessibility of that science to target audiences. Some of the articles form a part of special issues or topical collections, and some are selected as Editors’ Choice by virtue of their outstanding contribution to the hydrogeological disciplines. We are supported well by our publisher, Springer Nature, who carries the manuscript through copyediting, presentation and copyright procedures, and sometimes grants articles a ‘free access’ period if they are not open access. These actions help to promote HJ’s metrics, such as the impact factor and other journal citation and ranking scores, which, in turn, give authors confidence in selecting HJ for future publications. HJ being the official journal of IAH, the IAH Secretariat then joins in with social media activity to promote groups of articles and encourages worldwide dissemination of the science.

And what about the authors themselves? Some authors are familiar with the whole process and some have never published before. Some authors have all the tools necessary to perform well during the review, and others struggle with the English or graphics software, or even with the expectations of the editors of a high-quality international journal. Having nurtured and modified their manuscript for (often) months, for all authors it is a relief to finally see their work published. The HJ team and IAH congratulate all authors, and we thank them all for their efforts to achieve the common goal.

Authors do not have to be IAH members to submit their manuscripts to HJ, and the majority of authors (~75%) are not. Of course, the HJ peer-review process does not distinguish IAH members from non-members. But at IAH, we like to give something extra, so we have drawn up a list of ‘IAH-member articles’ published in the 2023 issues. Eligibility, here, is currently defined as both the first author and corresponding author being IAH members during the manuscript review process. By appearing on this list, each IAH-member article will receive a boost to its Altmetric attention score, which provides the article with an indicator of its “influence”, i.e., a metric of its use in digital conversations.

Altmetric and Springer teamed up several years ago to enable articles to be credited in this way. By downloading the Altmetric bookmarklet to your device (, you will be able to view the Altmetric badge (or ‘donut’) for any HJ article. Further information can be found at: To make good use of this facility, the IAH website’s News RSS feed will now be scanned by Altmetric for published article DOIs (digital object identifiers), as well as DOI mentions in other sources such as Facebook, X, news outlets, public policy sites, blogs, Wikipedia, and YouTube. Note, it can take a day or two for the Altmetric score to be updated after the online mention.

Feedback or queries about this new member benefit (especially any articles somehow missing from the list) would be most welcome – please contact the Secretariat at

Here are the articles published in 2023 by IAH-member authors; these will receive the new ‘Altmetric attention score’ benefit.


Aissat, R., Pryet, A., Saltel, M. et al. Comparison of different pilot point parameterization strategies when measurements are unevenly distributed in space. Hydrogeol J 31, 2381–2400 (2023).
Akitaya, K., Aichi, M. Land subsidence caused by seasonal groundwater level fluctuations in Kawajima (Japan) and one-dimensional numerical modeling with an evolutionary algorithm. Hydrogeol J 31, 147–165 (2023).
Bailly-Comte, V., Ladouche, B., Charlier, J.B. et al. XLKarst, an Excel tool for time series analysis, spring recession curve analysis and classification of karst aquifers. Hydrogeol J 31, 2401–2415 (2023).
Bianchi, M., Palamakumbura, R.N., MacDonald, A.M. et al. Assessing regional variation in yield from weathered basement aquifers in West Africa and modelling their future groundwater development and sustainability. Hydrogeol J 31, 257–274 (2023).
Boumaiza, L., Chesnaux, R., Stotler, R.L. et al. A combined laboratory and field-based experimental approach to characterize the heterogeneity of granular aquifers. Hydrogeol J 31, 2077–2097 (2023).
Carrière, S.D., Rakotomandrindra, P.F.M., Heath, T. et al. Water mixing processes in a complex multi-layer hydrosystem in southwestern Madagascar: a combined isotopic and piezometry approach. Hydrogeol J 31, 2337–2346 (2023).
Carter, T.R., Larmagnat, S., Sun, S. et al. Porosity characterization using medical computed tomography scans of two deeply buried paleokarst aquifers in Silurian carbonates, southern Ontario, Canada. Hydrogeol J 31, 1715–1734 (2023).
Catania, S.T., Reading, L. Hydrogeochemical evolution of the shallow and deep basaltic aquifers in Tamborine Mountain, Queensland (Australia). Hydrogeol J 31, 1083–1100 (2023).
Chihi, H., Ben Cheikh Larbi, I. Spatial prediction of groundwater levels using machine learning and geostatistical models: a case study of coastal faulted aquifer systems in southeastern Tunisia. Hydrogeol J 31, 1387–1404 (2023).
Cholo, B.E., Tolossa, J.G. Identification of groundwater recharge and flow processes inferred from stable water isotopes and hydraulic data in Bilate River watershed, Ethiopia. Hydrogeol J 31, 2307–2321 (2023).
Fan, X., Goeppert, N. & Goldscheider, N. Quantifying the historic and future response of karst spring discharge to climate variability and change at a snow-influenced temperate catchment in central Europe. Hydrogeol J 31, 2213–2229 (2023).
Hassan, M.M., Jahan, C.S., Cheong, JY. et al. Hydrogeological characteristics of waterlogged areas in Natore District, Bangladesh. Hydrogeol J 31, 557–570 (2023).
Humphrey, C.E., Gardner, P.M., Spangler, L.E. et al. Quantifying stream-loss recovery in a spring using dual-tracer injections in the Snake Creek drainage, Great Basin National Park, Nevada, USA. Hydrogeol J 31, 1051–1066 (2023).
Ishii, E. Effects of flow dimension in faulted or fractured rock on natural reductions of inflow during excavation: a case study of the Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory site, Japan. Hydrogeol J 31, 893–911 (2023).
Kawo, N.S., Korus, J. & Gulbrandsen, M.L. Multiple-point statistical modeling of three-dimensional glacial aquifer heterogeneity for improved groundwater management. Hydrogeol J 31, 1525–1546 (2023).
Kruisdijk, E., Ros, J.F., Ghosh, D. et al. Prevention of well clogging during aquifer storage of turbid tile drainage water rich in dissolved organic carbon and nutrients. Hydrogeol J 31, 827–842 (2023).
Lapworth, D., Boving, T., Brauns, B. et al. Groundwater quality: global challenges, emerging threats and novel approaches. Hydrogeol J 31, 15–18 (2023).
Liu, S., Zhou, Y., Zang, Y. et al. Effects of downstream environmental flow release on enhancing the groundwater recharge and restoring the groundwater/surface-water connectivity in Yongding River, Beijing, China. Hydrogeol J 31, 1795–1811 (2023).
Mádl-Szőnyi, J., Batelaan, O., Molson, J. et al. Regional groundwater flow and the future of hydrogeology: evolving concepts and communication. Hydrogeol J 31, 23–26 (2023).
Mas-Pla, J., Brusi, D., Roqué, C. et al. Hydrogeological origin of the CO2-rich mineral water of Vilajuïga in the Eastern Pyrenees (NE Catalonia, Spain). Hydrogeol J 31, 661–684 (2023).
Misstear, B., Vargas, C.R., Lapworth, D. et al. A global perspective on assessing groundwater quality. Hydrogeol J 31, 11–14 (2023).
Musallam, I., Zhou, Y. & Jewitt, G. Simulation of groundwater flow and seawater intrusion in response to climate change and human activities on the coastal aquifer of Gaza Strip, Palestine. Hydrogeol J 31, 1953–1969 (2023).
Nilsson, B., Li, F., Chen, H. et al. Evidence of karstification in chalk and limestone aquifers connected with stream systems and possible relation with the fish ecological quality ratio in Denmark. Hydrogeol J 31, 53–70 (2023).
Pannone, M. Theoretical investigation of nonergodic solute dispersion in natural porous formations characterized by persistent and antipersistent power-law log-conductivity correlations. Hydrogeol J 31, 1599–1615 (2023).
Petitta, M., Kreamer, D., Davey, I. et al. Topical Collection: International Year of Groundwater—managing future societal and environmental challenges. Hydrogeol J 31, 1–6 (2023).
Pokhrel, P., Zhou, Y., Smits, F. et al. Numerical simulation of a managed aquifer recharge system designed to supply drinking water to the city of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Hydrogeol J 31, 1291–1309 (2023).
Quiroga, E., Bertoni, C. & Ruden, F. Deep low-salinity groundwater in sedimentary basins: petrophysical methods from a case study in Somalia. Hydrogeol J 31, 685–705 (2023).
Rasmussen, P., Kidmose, J., Kallesøe, A.J. et al. Evaluation of adaptation measures to counteract rising groundwater levels in urban areas in response to climate change. Hydrogeol J 31, 35–52 (2023).
Rivera, A., Pétré, MA., Fraser, C. et al. Why do we need to care about transboundary aquifers and how do we solve their issues?. Hydrogeol J 31, 27–30 (2023).
Ronchetti, F., Deiana, M., Lugli, S. et al. Water isotope analyses and flow measurements for understanding the stream and meteoric recharge contributions to the Poiano evaporite karst spring in the North Apennines, Italy. Hydrogeol J 31, 601–619 (2023).
Schafmeister, MT., Steffen, M., Zeissler, KO. et al. Extension variance: an early geostatistical concept applied to assess nitrate pollution in groundwater. Hydrogeol J 31, 1463–1473 (2023).
Stigter, T.Y., Miller, J., Chen, J. et al. Groundwater and climate change: threats and opportunities. Hydrogeol J 31, 7–10 (2023).
Tas, L., Simpson, D. & Hermans, T. Assessing the potential of low-transmissivity aquifers for aquifer thermal energy storage systems: a case study in Flanders (Belgium). Hydrogeol J 31, 2363–2380 (2023).
Toulier, A., Lachassagne, P., Hendrayana, H. et al. Reply to Comment on “A cost-effective device and methodology to compute aquifer transmissivity and piezometry from free-flowing artesian wells”: technical note published in Hydrogeology Journal (2022) 30:1917–1931, by Alix Toulier, Patrick Lachassagne, Heru Hendrayana, Arif Fadillah and Hervé Jourde. Hydrogeol J 31, 845–847 (2023).
Van, T.D., Zhou, Y., Stigter, T.Y. et al. Sustainable groundwater development in the coastal Tra Vinh province in Vietnam under saltwater intrusion and climate change. Hydrogeol J 31, 731–749 (2023).
Vittecoq, B., Reninger, PA., Bellier, V. et al. Montagne Pelée volcano (Martinique, in the French Lesser Antilles) hydrogeological system revealed by high-resolution helicopter-borne electromagnetic imagery. Hydrogeol J 31, 1331–1352 (2023).
Worthington, S.R.H. Examining the assumptions of the single-porosity archetype for transport in bedrock aquifers. Hydrogeol J 31, 87–96 (2023).
Worthington, S.R.H. Using a geological perspective to improve understanding of bedrock aquifers. Hydrogeol J 31, 1695–1700 (2023).
Zheng, Y., Vanderzalm, J., Hartog, N. et al. The 21st century water quality challenges for managed aquifer recharge: towards a risk-based regulatory approach. Hydrogeol J 31, 31–34 (2023).



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