6-8 Dec 2021 – Paris, France
ISARM 2021: 2nd International Conference on Transboundary Aquifers
Overview of the challenges and way forward into addressing transboundary aquifers management. The Second International UNESCO Conference on transboundary aquifers ISARM II “Challenges and the way forward”; aims to be an opportunity for showcasing diverse efforts made by UNESCO, the International and Donor community (GEF, the World Bank, the FAO, the Swiss, the German etc…) to streamline groundwater as an enabler for achieving the water-related SDGs. No registration fees are required to attend or participate in this Conference.
Physical and social scientists, academics, civil servants, development economists, managers, decision-makers, and governmental officers dealing with issues of transboundary aquifers, are invited to participate and submit abstracts. The abstracts should be in English only (less than 400 words) and it should address a subject on one of the topics of the Conference.
The Scientific Committee will select the abstracts, the selected author will be requested to prepare full length papers. The proceedings will include keynote lectures and accepted papers and will be published online by UNESCO-IHP.
Authors of accepted contributions will be notified by end of March 2021. There is a limit of 6 pages for each paper (320 words per page), and 3 pages (320 words per page) for each poster, including figures, tables and references. The participants are kindly requested to submit their abstracts by 30 December 2020.
Key dates:
Submission deadline for abstracts: 31 January 2021 (new date)
Final attendance registration 1 September 2021
Full papers submission: 1 October 2021
Final program: 28 October 2021
IAH is one of the conference partners.Price: Free