11-12 May 2022 – Sarajevo (hybrid event), Bosnia and Herzegovina
3rd BH Water Congress
Water. This Congress is about "fighting against water pollution," as is said in the EU's Green Agenda for Western Balkans. This means protecting waters in the context of global climate change, concentration of population in cities, industrialization, and building of infrastructure, as well as change in land use, including draining of swamps. The fight against climate change is an environmental, economic, and political problem on the global scale, and there is not much that Bosnia and Herzegovina can do about it. However, adapting to climate change is a local problem everywhere, especially in response to water regime changes - long-term periods of low water levels and droughts, as well as increasingly destructive and frequent floods...
Congress topics:
- Mitigation of climate change
- Adapting to climate change
- Sustainable use and protection of water resources, including sea resources
- Transition to circular economy in the area of water management
- Pollution prevention and control
- Protection and restoration of biodiversity and eco-systems, and creating public awareness
- Management of water resources and future challenges.Price: 75 EUR
Organised by Association of Consulting Engineers of BH.