11-13 Nov 2020 – STIAS, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Groundwater: Setting the standards – Borehole Drilling; Pumping Tests and Monitoring
Borehole Drilling; Pumping Tests and Monitoring. Being in South Africa we have all be exposed to the pressures associated with drought. In drought situations, we see how it becomes mayhem with numerous short-cuts being taking, incorrect methodologies being implemented and over-inflated prices and opinions being applied and pronounced in the drought regions. As water supply engineers, hydrogeologist and scientists, we all need to learn from one another and adhere to some form of standards in the areas of borehole drilling, pumping tests and monitoring. These standards need to be applicable in both drought and non-drought times and the more we learn from one another the more we can educate those embarking on groundwater supply schemes (be it from a single domestic borehole to large scale municipal and agricultural supply). This workshop pulls together leading experts in the groundwater industry and includes a field visit to drilling within the Table Mountain Group Aquifer (TMGA). It’s a wonderful opportunity to learn and network. Although based in the Western Cape, international trends will also be discussed and the workshop is applicable to all involved in groundwater from the southern Africa region and beyond.
Price: ZAR 7400
Organised by IAH-South Africa.