3-17 Sep 2024 – Online
MODFLOW 6 and FloPy
Script-based numerical modelling with MODFLOW 6. FloPy is a powerful and versatile Python library to create MODFLOW models and process their output. MODFLOW 6 is the latest member of the family of codes, and script-based models created with FloPy and MODFLOW 6 is emerging as a new industry standard.
In this course we will introduce beginners to script-based numerical modelling with MODFLOW 6. It will provide you with a set of ready-to-use Python notebooks with FloPy code that can be adapted for other flow problems.
Learning outcomes
- Create steady-state and transient MODFLOW 6 models using FloPy;
- Visualise calculated heads and flow paths; calculate water budgets;
- Define boundary conditions;
- Work with river, well and recharge packages;
- Interface with QGIS.
- Course outline
- History of MODFLOW & core versions with terminology & conventions
- MODFLOW Groundwater flow model (gwf) packages
- Steady flow/steady state – create a MODFLOW model
- Well & head packages
- Output control (checks/plot heads)
- Water balance
- Theory of leaky stream bed
- Pathlines with Modpath
- Aquitard and second aquifer
- Transient flow and head vs time | transient simulation
- Boundary drawdown size
- Grid types
- Estimate parameters from pumping test with analysis
- Working with shapefiles & idomain arrays
- Plotting heads & layers using MODFLOW
- Python scripts to show results
Practical exercises are provided during and after each session with follow-up discussion.
3 live and interactive sessions of 2 hours over three weeks:
– Tuesday 3rd Sept, 2024, 3-5pm Sydney time
– Tuesday 10th Sept, 2024, 3-5pm Sydney time
– Tuesday 17th Sept, 2024, 3-5pm Sydney time
Live session recordings available via the learning platform (LMS) if you are unable to attend live;
Unlimited course access for 30-days after the last live session;
Pre-and-post-course materials to go through via the LMS;
Exercises between the 3 sessions;
Set of Jupyter notebooks with working MODFLOW models;
Ability to ask questions to the presenters live and at anytime through the LMS.
Basic command of Python (register for the on-demand Python essentials for water if you’re a beginner Python user);
Basic knowledge of groundwater hydrology and groundwater flow processes.Price: AUD 895.00
Organised by Australian Water School.