UNECE has opened a public consultation on the draft supplemental specifications for groundwater resources for the United Nations Framework Classification for Resources (UNFC), which aim to provide a common and consistent framework for assessing, classifying and reporting groundwater resources. The public consultation will run until 31 December 2023 and is open... read more...
About half the groundwater wells across New Zealand monitored long-term are contaminated with E. coli. The agency Land, Air, Water Aotearoa (LAWA) said that E. coli levels, and those of nitrates, exceeded drinking water standards at a minority of wells. The report drew on data and information from about 1000 wells,... read more...
In an age when sustainable water sources are paramount, the IAEA has unveiled an ambitious strategy to delve deeper into groundwater research. The Agency’s new coordinated research project on “Modelling and isotope-based age for assessment of fossil GW resources” focuses on tightening the integration of environmental tracer data with numerical... read more...
With its low quantities of rain and soaring high temperatures, the Sahara Desert is often regarded as one of the most extreme and least habitable environments on Earth. While the Sahara was periodically much greener in the distant past, an ancient society living in a climate very similar to today’s... read more...
Potentially harmful synthetic chemicals known as PFAS, or forever chemicals, have been found at almost half of the 500 groundwater monitoring sites in Switzerland. But Swiss limit values were only exceeded at one station, according to the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN). Find out more–detected-at-half-of-swiss-groundwater-sites/48884684 read more...
Scientists have identified a growing problem in the Great Barrier Reef that is likely, they say, to be a cause for concern when considering the region’s health. A new study has uncovered a hitherto unknown impact on the reef’s health: groundwater. Researchers used radium isotope tracing to monitor nutrient proportions... read more...
In the face of rising urbanisation, climate change, weather variability and resource degradation, hydrogeologists from around the world gathered in Cape Town this week to chart a way forward on water security, using a hidden treasure underneath our feet — groundwater. About 500 groundwater experts from 52 countries around the... read more...
The US has pumped so much groundwater that it’s literally splitting the ground open across the American Southwest. When too much groundwater gets pumped up from the natural aquifers below the surface, it causes the land to sag and create these cracks. These giant cracks, or fissures, have been spotted... read more...
Many of the aquifers that supply 90 percent of the USA’s water systems, and which have transformed vast stretches into some of the world’s most bountiful farmland, are being severely depleted. An investigation by the New York Times shows how groundwater resources are being exhausted in much of the country,... read more...
Groundwater — fresh water stored underneath the earth and accessed mostly by wells — has always played a significant role in arid Middle East countries. Because it’s underground, it isn’t as impacted by drought and heat , and it’s the main source of fresh water for at least 10 Arab... read more...