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  • Wallace & Gromit to investigate groundwater flooding!

    The animators behind Wallace and Gromit will create a short film for Lincolnshire Count Council to warn people about groundwater flooding. The film is being produced as part of Project Groundwater, a government-funded scheme to protect areas at risk of this type of flooding – where water from underground rises to... read more...

  • The poisoned well: Education under threat

    Groundwater contamination is a pervasive challenge that has dire consequences for health, education, and economic outcomes. In India, a country where 67% of groundwater is already contaminated with substances such as arsenic, fluoride, and nitrates, the stakes are alarmingly high. Recent research has revealed the devastating effects of groundwater contamination... read more...

  • Building capacity for groundwater management in Cambodia

    The second Thailand Groundwater Symposium, held 19-21 August 2024 in Bangkok, focused on the theme of “Strengthening Groundwater Sustainability Under Climate Change”. The event brought together researchers, practitioners, policymakers and development organizations to share their experiences in groundwater management, innovation and technology. Find out more read more...

  • Saltwater to Widely Taint Coastal Groundwater by 2100

    Seawater will infiltrate underground freshwater supplies in about three of every four coastal areas around the world by the year 2100, according to a recent study led by researchers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. In addition to making water in some coastal aquifers undrinkable and unusable for... read more...

  • Researchers call on European Commission to protect groundwater and subterranean life from pollution

    The subterranean world holds a value that is often underestimated. Its significance seems to escape notice, particularly its vital role in storing drinking water and its contribution to biodiversity, harbouring unique and rich species. An international team of scientists is urging the European Commission to monitor and protect groundwater and... read more...

  • Managing The Invisible: Improving Groundwater Governance In Pakistan Through Multi-Stakeholder Platforms

    Groundwater is crucial for Pakistan’s water security. Reliance on groundwater has intensified due to the demands of agriculture, rapid urbanisation, and industrial expansion. Over-extraction, unregulated pumping, pollution and weak governance mechanisms have led to alarming declines in water tables and deteriorating water quality. Multi-stakeholder platforms have successfully united diverse groups... read more...

  • In the town ‘Erin Brockovich’ made famous, residents still fear dirty water

    An ongoing struggle in Hinkley, California, to remove dangerous chemicals from drinking water demonstrates how difficult contamination can be to clean up. The lingering presence of chromium-6, also known as hexavalent chromium, in Hinkley illustrates how hard this is, even in a case depicted in an award-winning movie that brought... read more...

  • New applications of radar tool could help reduce water scarcity

    Technology originally developed to study environmental changes in Antarctica is being trialled in regions experiencing water stress to find and monitor underground water sources.  The tool offers a more cost-effective and easier-to-operate way of measuring groundwater compared with existing methods. It is also seen as a way of helping to... read more...

  • Denmark launches proposal to prevent groundwater flooding of buildings

    Denmark’s Environment Minister, Magnus Heunicke, has introduced a legislative proposal aimed at addressing the growing issue of groundwater flooding. Currently in the public consultation phase, the idea seeks to shift responsibility for flood prevention from individual property owners to a more collaborative approach involving wastewater management companies and municipalities. Find... read more...

  • New, open-access book on springs of the US available by former Co-Chair of the Karst Commission, Neven Kresic

    This book explores large and thermal springs in the United States: their origin, characteristics, historical and current uses, and significance. Some of these springs are among the largest and most spectacular in the world and many were and are sacred to Native Americans. Contemporary and historic photographs reveal their beauty... read more...

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