In Bangladesh, around 49 per cent of the drinking well water – which almost everyone drinks – has unsafe limits of carcinogenic arsenic. A new study led by Dr Seth Frisbie of Norwich University, USA, found that the climate crisis is making the situation worse – pointing to a looming... read more...
A pioneering ‘global-scale’ analysis of groundwater levels by a team of researchers from the University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB), ETH Zürich, University College London (UCL), Rutgers University and King Abdulaziz University has been published in Nature. Their article, Rapid groundwater decline and some cases of recovery in aquifers... read more...
After 18 years as our Hydrogeology Journal (HJ)’s Technical Editorial Advisor (TEA), Sue Duncan has decided that it’s time to return to the field of applied hydrogeology full time and she will be leaving the HJ team. We wish Sue all the best in this next venture – she will... read more...
Over 3 billion people do not have access to safely-managed sanitation. This causes widespread health and environmental problems, including significant impacts to groundwater, especially in urban areas. Disposal of sewage effluent to ground and losses from sewers may enhance groundwater resources but can also be major sources of pollution, particularly... read more...
The Great Artesian Basin’s unique mound springs are in danger. Mound springs are an environmental asset of international significance, with historic and ongoing cultural and economic value. But they are usually located in arid, inhospitable outback regions where you need to be a fairly intrepid person to reach them. A... read more...
The crucial role of groundwater in sustaining both humanity and biodiversity over the long term is frequently neglected. An international team of researchers has outlined why groundwater should be treated as a keystone ecosystem. “Groundwater is not only in itself a major ecosystem but is also of critical relevance to... read more...
Holy wells have been important in Ireland for many centuries, and probably millennia, and continue to be popular sites of local pilgrimage and folklore, but they are also an expression of the groundwater flowing beneath the landscape. A new book by Bruce Misstear, former IAH Secretary General, sets out the... read more...
To really get into the geosciences, you gotta get your hands in there! Abe Springer, as the 2022 Birdsall-Dreiss lecturer for the Geological Society of America’s hydrogeology scientific division, spent a year traversing the world talking to people about his work. After each lecture he ran a half-day field-based workshop... read more...
In Bangladesh, groundwater is an important natural resource upon which water and food security is critically dependent. Climate action requires strong commitment to better managing this essential resource. Despite its centrality to water and food security in Bangladesh, groundwater is not prominently featured in national water policies. At the moment,... read more...
The latest edition of the IAH-Transboundary Aquifers Commission Newsletter is now available to view online. Contents include: Participation in the Global Workshop on Conjunctive Management of SW and GW: National to Transboundary Level Story on PFBW/CB study News from the ISARM Networks (Africa, Americas) Opinion: • Out of sight, out... read more...