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  • Declining Texas springs – risks for water supplies

    Many of the underground water stores often critical to life in Texas, where rain is rare and the sun beats out of a pitiless sky, are running dry. Across the state, water gushes out of nearly 300 springs — a hidden array of reservoirs that creates creeks, rivers and swimming... read more...

  • IAH Applied Hydrogeology Award – Call for nominations

    We are pleased to call for nominations for the 2024 ‘Applied Hydrogeology Award’. read more...

  • Arsenic in landfills is leaching into groundwater

    Arsenic is found in many household and industrial products, from pesticides and food additives to semiconductor chips and pharmaceuticals. And when disposed of, the arsenic in the products can leach from the landfill into the soil and groundwater. Landfills in the U.S., Europe and around the world are important potential... read more...

  • How a Solar Revolution in Farming Is Depleting World’s Groundwater

    Farmers in hot, arid regions are turning to low-cost solar pumps to irrigate their fields, eliminating the need for expensive fossil fuels and boosting crop production. But by allowing them to pump throughout the day, the new technology is drying up aquifers around the globe. Find out more read more...

  • Little groundwater recharge in ancient Mars aquifer, according to new models

    Mars was once a wet world. The geological record of the Red Planet shows evidence for water flowing on the surface – from river deltas to valleys carved by massive flash floods. But a new study shows that no matter how much rainfall fell on the surface of ancient Mars, very... read more...

  • Hydrogeology Journal – Editors’ Choice articles for 2023

    The 2023 Editors’ Choice articles have been announced for Hydrogeology Journal. There are 5 articles that the Editors think will be of particular interest to readers. Four of them are open access and one has been granted free access by our publisher (Springer Nature) until 12 April 2024. Details can... read more...

  • Mystery groundwater upsurge floods homes in Libyan coastal town

    Much of Libya is bone-dry desert but one Mediterranean coastal town is suffering the opposite problem – its houses and fields have been inundated by a mysterious upsurge of groundwater. Stagnant water and squishy mud have flooded houses, streets and palm groves around the northwestern town of Zliten, spreading a foul... read more...

  • Borehole heroes: Help increase the lifespan of water wells

    The World Bank is currently undertaking a groundbreaking initiative to create the first benchmark addressing the lifespan of water boreholes, aimed at assisting asset managers and investors. The success of this benchmark relies heavily on comprehensive data collection from various geological and economic contexts worldwide. In line with this, the... read more...

  • Hydrogeology Journal special issue: Hydrogeology of Arid Environments

    In most arid and semi-arid regions, freshwater supply has always been highly dependent on the exploitation of groundwater resources. Since the replenishment of aquifers is limited due to climatic conditions, sustainable use of groundwater is challenging. This situation necessitates a sound knowledge of the specific hydrogeological setting and processes. Nevertheless,... read more...

  • IAH Council Elections 2024 – Call for Nominations

    The next elections for IAH’s Advisory Council take place this year. All members who have paid their IAH membership fees can stand for election and are entitled to vote. Nominations for those who wish to stand for Council are requested from 1 January 2024. Members are responsible for IAH’s policies... read more...

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