Environment Committee MEPs adopted their position on new laws that revise the Water Framework Directive, the Groundwater Directive and the Environmental Quality Standards Directive (Surface Water Directive). The aim of the revisions is better protection for human health and natural ecosystems from pollutants. The revisions include a watch list of... read more...
Today we celebrate the th birthday of Dr József Tóth, the founder of the Regional Groundwater Flow Commission of IAH. Some of the many achievements associated with his name are: mathematical foundation of groundwater’s basin hydraulics analysis; description of the systematic movement of groundwater flow; recognition of the role of groundwater... read more...
A new study shows that our human pumping and relocating of groundwater has slightly shifted Earth’s mass – thereby slightly changing Earth’s spin – and causing Earth’s rotational axis to increase its rate of wandering. Groundwater withdrawal for agriculture, mining, or household use, for example, has caused a slight-but-noticeable shift... read more...
Groundwater is our most important freshwater resource, but the lack of systematic analysis of its economic importance has evaded attention from policymakers and the general public–threatening the resource. The Hidden Wealth of Nations: The Economics of Groundwater in Times of Climate Change report, published by the World Bank, offers new data and... read more...
The state will no longer grant certifications for new developments within the Phoenix area, as groundwater rapidly disappears amid years of water overuse and climate change-driven drought. A study found that around 4% of the area’s demand for groundwater cannot be met over the next 100 years under current conditions... read more...
Geological Survey of India to assess groundwater contamination by heavy metals in Punjab and Haryana
The project will determine the level of trace elements and heavy metals in groundwater from natural and anthropogenic sources and will prepare a geo-environmental map of contaminated and non-contaminated areas. Trace elements and heavy metals are those whose presence in environment is in very low quantity but can be toxic... read more...
During the persistent drought and the low flow of the Santa Lucía river, which normally supplies Montevideo, the water supply company has also abstracted water from further downstream, near to the estuary of the La Plata River. This has raised chloride and sodium levels in the drinking water quality, described... read more...
IGRAC are seeking volunteers for a new Groundwater Correspondents Network, which aims to give a global platform for local stories. The groundwater correspondents can be people that already work with groundwater and who would like to learn more about storytelling – or they might be journalists who would like to... read more...
In the absence of federal cleanup standards for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (“PFAS”) in groundwater, numerous states have started the process of regulating PFAS in groundwater themselves. As a result, US states have adopted a patchwork of regulations and guidance standards that present significant compliance challenges to impacted industries. Find... read more...
Our May newsletter is now online, highlighting this year’s congress in Cape Town and offers and encouragement to attend, as well as the usual mix of groundwater resources and IAH calls. We are happy to consider possible news articles from our members and others in groundwater-related professions. We also accept... read more...