Our May newsletter is now online, highlighting this year’s congress in Cape Town and offers and encouragement to attend, as well as the usual mix of groundwater resources and IAH calls. We are happy to consider possible news articles from our members and others in groundwater-related professions. We also accept... read more...
The UN-Water Summit on Groundwater in December 2022 will be a unique opportunity to present groundwater to high level policy- and decision makers globally. Only by making groundwater more visible outside of our professional community can we increase interest, investment and involvement in groundwater-related global issues, leading eventually to better understanding... read more...
Giorgio Ghiglieri, full professor of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology at the Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences at the University of Cagliari, suddenly passed away on August 10, 2021 at the age of 58. Giorgio achieved his degree in Geology at the University of Cagliari and the PhD degrees in... read more...